
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to CC a copy of every message you send

To create the rule:

  1. Open the Rules Wizard
  2. Select New Rule
  3. Choose Apply rule on messages I send from the bottom section then click Next
  4. Choose the After sending rule option
  5. To apply the rule to every message, click Next, otherwise, select the desired conditions before clicking Next
  6. Select CC the message to people or public group in the top section
  7. Double click people or public group in the bottom section
  8. Choose the CC action and enter the address
  9. Type the desired address(es) in the To field, or select the address from the address book and click To
  10. Type the address in the to field or select it from the address book and press To
  11. Click OK then complete the wizard
Now every message you send (or every message meeting the conditions in the rule) will be sent to the address you specified.

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